

Part 1

(Regarded as my "Staying Connected for Sanity's Sake" Page. Or, in other words; "Thanks to God, I've the Fellowship of the Web!")


Thank God, I was able to vote!

Why does voting have to be so traumatic? Is this what democracy is about?

Best of luck to all of you at voicing your ideology! I hope your vote will be counted!

Or, is it your thing to protest by not voting? Really? ( see George Berkley's Thought Experiment are you like Schrödinger's cat )

Has your choice always been the blue pill? ( see the Matrix link on Home - part 2 )

Is this election a game changer?

Is the future of America on the line?

Is this election the power keg? Do you support unregulated 3% militias?

How will the next four years be better than the last?

What are the closing arguments?

Can you trust them?

For all of those Trumpism Sycophants, Are you his there's nobody like you sort of friend? Perhaps, you'll be one of the billions of culled in his herd effect cure! Bing!

More rhetorical analysis of Trump speak: "His False Narrative"

Should I feel I be less garrulous? What would Friedrich Nietzsche say about this?

You don't see it? Free your mind, before it's too late!